Published by Data drift refers to the phenomenon where the distribution of live, real-world data differs or “drifts” from the distribution of data used to train a machine learning model. When data drift occurs, the performance of machine learning models in production degrades, resulting in inaccurate predictions. This reduction in the model’s predictive power can adversely impact the expected business value from the investment in training. If data drift is not identified in time, the machine learning model may become stale and eventually useless.
In this article, you’ll learn more about data drift, exploring why and in what ways it occurs, its impact, and how it can be mitigated and prevented. The Importance of Detecting Data Drift Machine learning models operate in a dynamic environment but are trained on data from a fixed, statistical distribution. Data drift can occur due to a variety of reasons, including seasonal variations, new product features, changes in customer behavior, or even rare events like the Covid-19 pandemic. Data drift is a critical challenge for production machine learning systems. It occurs when the statistical distribution of the target or real-world data diverges significantly from the statistical properties of the data on which the model was trained. This hurts model performance on new unseen data during real-world inference, leading to inaccurate predictions, poor customer experience, and monetary and reputational costs for the business. If undetected, data drift can cause multiple problems besides the obvious loss in model performance. It leads to greater MLOps challenges and technical burden for teams such as identifying data drift, conducting root cause analysis for input features correlated with data drift, data labeling, active learning, retraining, and redeploying the updated models to production. This is a significant investment of time and resources that can be avoided if machine learning models are closely monitored and a strategy for detecting and fixing data drift is in place. How to Identify Data Drift It is common to assume that a loss in model performance may be due to data drift. However, before arriving at this conclusion, it is important to assess data quality. Target data distributions could change due to a new set of users, a feature or product update, or even something as simple as a bug or formatting error in the code or data. After data-quality issues are ruled out, data drift can be examined in more detail. Fundamentally, data drift implies a change in the statistical distribution of target data from that of the training data. Thus, the simplest way to identify data drift is to compare summary statistics (like mean, variance, Kullback–Leibler divergence, and so on) of a carefully sampled subset of the target data against the training data. Other statistical measures include comparing the number of outliers in the two distributions or using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Analyzing the correlations between input features and model predictions for both the data distributions can also shed some light. Model-based machine learning techniques can also be used to identify data drift. A sample of data from the reference or training distribution can be labeled as 0, and an equivalent sample from the target distribution can be labeled as 1. Based on this input data, a simple binary classification model can be trained to discriminate between the two types of data distributions. If the model can distinguish between the two data sets, this implies that data drift is present. Alternatively, if the model fails to discriminate between the data sets, then no data drift is evident. Using a machine learning–based approach captures nonlinear relationships better and can help catch data drift where the above statistical methods might fail. What are the different kinds of Data Drift? The change in the statistical distribution between the target and training data manifests in different forms of data drift that are observed in real-world machine learning systems: Covariate shift (feature drift) Covariate drift refers to a data drift that is correlated with a shift in the independent variables or input features. The relationship between the features and target variables is unchanged, but the change in a few features leads to covariate drift. Covariate drift can occur due to sample selection bias and is frequently observed in nonstationary environments. Concept drift Concept drift is associated with a change in the relationship between the independent variables and the target variables. For instance, a particular machine learning model may suffer from concept drift when it is launched in a new geography where the customer behavior is markedly different from the behavioral data from the original geography that was used to train the models. Although the set of input features and the data distributions may remain the same, the model may not make any useful predictions and is rendered obsolete. How can you mitigate and prevent data drift? Once data drift is confirmed as real and significant after rigorous analysis and statistical tests as described above, it is important to address it sooner than later. Here are a few strategies for doing so. Data labeling Labeling the new target data is the first step toward addressing data drift. A carefully selected batch of the test data can be sampled and sent to subject matter experts for data annotation. Thereafter, this labeled target data from the modified data distribution can be incorporated into the original data distribution to ameliorate the impact of data drift. Periodic model training With newly labeled target data, the model can be retrained on data from both the original distribution and the test distribution. As the new model is now trained to recognize data from the modified target distribution, it typically does a better job in production than the original model. However, a model might need to be trained multiple times, depending on the rate of data drift, to capture the new patterns from the test data. Model recalibration With repeated model retraining, the training pipeline, model architecture, and hyperparameters may remain the same, with the only difference being the change in training data. However, if data drift is not taken care of with periodic retraining, it might be prudent to train the model from scratch with a fresh approach and insights learned from efforts focused on evaluating and mitigating data drift. The new model may be trained differently from the original one in a number of ways:
Continuous monitoring Continuous monitoring of machine learning model performance is critical to keep track of the quality of the model in production. Model performance metrics like true positives, false positives, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC-ROC curves can be periodically assessed. After thresholds for such performance metrics are carefully selected, alerts can be triggered using platforms like Grafana or Prometheus or by using third-party-managed MLOps platforms. Apart from output metrics, other things to monitor include any data issues or inconsistencies, bias in training data, and explainability metrics. Conclusion The phenomenon of data drift afflicts most machine learning models in production, arising from various reasons due to the dynamic nature of real-world data, seasonal trends, changes in product features, software- or data-related issues, changes in customer behavior due to new competition or legislation, and even rare black swan events like the Covid-19 pandemic. Data drift can be of different types, depending on whether the relationship between the independent features and the target variables changes or not. This article has equipped you to know what data drift looks like and provided a list of best practices for identifying and mitigating it before it becomes a major MLOps challenge and renders the machine learning model unfit for its intended business purpose. Related Blogs
Published by Colabra Introduction
Effective communication skills are pivotal to success in science. From maximizing productivity at work through efficient teamwork and collaboration to preventing the spread of misinformation during global pandemics like Covid19, the importance of strong communication skills cannot be emphasized enough. However, scientists often struggle to communicate their work clearly for various reasons. Firstly, most academic institutes do not prioritize training scientists in essential soft skills like communication. With negligible organizational or departmental training and little to no feedback from professors and peers, scientists fail to fully appreciate the real-world importance and consequences of poor communication skills. The long scientific training period in the academic ivory tower is spent conversing with fellow scientists, with minimal interaction with non-technical professionals and the general public. Thus, the lingua franca among scientists is predominantly interspersed with jargon, leading to poor communication with non-scientists. This article will describe best practices and frameworks for professional scientists and non-scientists in commercial scientific enterprises to communicate effectively. How should scientists speak with non-scientists? IndustryThis section describes how professional scientists in industries like biotech and pharma can communicate better with cross-functional stakeholders from non-technical teams like sales, marketing, legal, business, product, finance, accounting, etc. Cross-functional collaboration In industry, scientists are often embedded in self-contained business or product teams with different roles. Taking a biotech product to market like a new drug, which has a long development cycle, involves extensive collaboration between specialists from multiple domains: research, quality assurance, legal and compliance, project management, risk and safety, vendor and supplier management, sales, marketing, logistics, and distribution, to name a few. Scientists are involved from the beginning of the process. However, scientists are often guilty of focusing solely on R&D without acutely considering how the science and technology underlying the product or business is operationalized by cross-functional teams and delivered to the market. Scientists are often less aware of the practical challenges of taking a drug prototype to the patient, such as long timelines due to multiple steps like risk management, safety reviews, regulatory approvals, coordination with pharmaceutical and logistics companies, and bureaucratic hurdles with governments and international bodies. This is a vital mistake in collaborative industry environments and often leads to poor job experience for scientists and their non-scientist peers and managers. The image below shows several communication challenges at the different stages of the drug development process that hinder successful commercialization. Although the various specialists share a common objective, each domain expert speaks a different “language” influenced by their respective training and fails to translate their opinions and concerns into a common language that all can understand. This comes in the way of optimal decision-making resulting in projects that stall even before demonstrating clinical efficacy. In an industry with a 90% drug development failure rate, poor communication and collaboration can be very expensive, to the tune of USD 1.3 billion per drug. The right culture is crucial to ensure successful outcomes, as advocated by AstraZeneca after a thorough review of their drug development pipeline. A recent real-world example pertains to the development of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine by multiple teams at the University of Oxford. Although the vaccine was developed within two weeks by February 2020, it was not until 30 December 2020 that the vaccine was finally approved for use in the UK, and it is even to date not authorized for use in the US. In particular, the AstraZeneca vaccine was subject to misinformation, fake news, and fear-mongering, which led to vaccine hesitancy and a lack of public trust. This led Drs. Sarah Gilbert and Catherine Green, co-developers of the vaccine, to author ‘Vaxxers,’ with the primary motivation to allay fears and reassure the general public about its safety and efficacy by explaining the science and process of creating the vaccine. Stakeholder management Another critical aspect of working with cross-functional teams involves managing key stakeholders to ensure a successful outcome for the project. Stakeholders often come from diverse non-scientific backgrounds, making working with them more challenging for scientists. The main challenge in effective stakeholder management is understanding the professional goals, metrics, and KPIs that drive each stakeholder. For instance, a product manager might focus on metrics like cost improvement over time, risk mitigation, or timelines; a finance leader may be focused on revenue; a compliance manager may be focused on metrics that capture safety and legal aspects. Understanding each cross-functional stakeholder’s north star can help scientists navigate the intricacies of stakeholder management. Effective stakeholder management involves numerous aspects: Identifying stakeholders The first step is to identify the stakeholders that are critical to the success of the scientific product and understand their motivations and priorities. Successful stakeholder management starts by mapping your stakeholders across several dimensions, including:
Aligning stakeholders Conflicting priorities among stakeholders are common and need to be resolved delicately. Achieving multi-stakeholder alignment for complex projects requires carefully planned discussions and negotiations to assess the lay of the land with each stakeholder and preempt potential conflicts. Focused group meetings that prioritize key points of disagreement or conflicting priorities can help achieve alignment and avoid conflicts. Engaging stakeholders After getting all the stakeholders aligned, it is useful to build a communication strategy to share project updates regularly. The communication plan must be tailored to each stakeholder. For example, individual contributors might need a high-touch approach, while project coordinators and administrators might just want periodic updates and high-level presentations. During the project's execution phase, continuous engagement and clear communication with the stakeholders are essential to keep everyone on the same page. Stakeholders may be involved in multiple biotech projects in parallel, and your project may not be their sole focus or priority. We have previously written about several modes of communication and project management apart from one-on-one meetings. At a minimum, it is beneficial to maintain a project status board detailing the progress of each milestone, metric, team, and timeline, especially to serve as a single source of truth, especially if some teams are working remotely. Entrepreneurship This section will discuss how aspiring startup founders with a scientific background should communicate and “sell” the company's mission to varied stakeholders from investors, employees, vendors, potential hires, and so on. Scientists with domain expertise and an entrepreneurial mindset are increasingly opting to build deep-tech startups soon after graduating from academia. From Genentech to Moderna and CRISPR Therapeutics to BioNTech, there is no shortage of successful biotech companies founded by scientists. However, building a commercially successful and viable biotech startup requires diverse skills with a much stronger need for excellent communication skills. Scientist founders need to have exceptional communication and sales skills to pitch the company to raise venture capital, write scientific grants, forge business partnerships with other companies, retain customers, attract talented employees with their vision for the company, give media interviews, and shape a mission-oriented organizational culture. Scientist-founders must communicate particularly well to bridge the gap between scientific research and commercialization. How should non-scientists speak with scientists? In this section, we will consider the viewpoint of non-scientists and how they can communicate more effectively with scientists. Non-scientists are typically more focused on product, business, sales, marketing, and related aspects of commercializing scientific research. The stakes for effective communication between scientists and managers are very high. This is best highlighted by NASA’s missions, which involve a diverse set of experts, both scientific and non-scientific, similar to the highly complex and multi-year projects described in the previous section. NASA’s failures on projects like the Columbia mission have been attributed to deficiencies in communication and insular company culture. Namely, management not heeding the scientists' and engineers’ warnings. These communication failures are expertly documented in a post-hoc report by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board – "Over time, a pattern of ineffective communication has resulted, leaving risks improperly defined, problems unreported, and concerns unexpressed," the report said. "The question is, why?" (source) Unfortunately, this state of affairs rings true even today in high-stakes and complex scientific enterprises. Here are some recommended tips that follow from such catastrophic mishaps and failures in workplace communication:
How can non-scientists better engage scientists? Non-scientist stakeholders' work largely focuses on business metrics, product roadmaps, customer research, project management, etc. These are critical focus areas that non-scientists need to update and communicate clearly to their scientist colleagues. In industry, it is common to observe scientist colleagues not actively participating in discussions focused on business topics and switch off until their work is the topic of discussion. It is crucial to engage scientists as they are on the front lines of core product development and in a better position to understand and flag potential roadblocks in manufacturing, commercialization, and logistics based on prior experience. Many product-related issues and bugs that surface later in the development cycle can be caught and addressed if there is more proactive communication between scientific and non-scientific teams. Scientists are generally trained to be conservative, focusing on accuracy and reliability, which can conflict with a manager’s ambitious goals for time-to-market or revenue targets. In these situations, managers should allow scientists to voice their concerns, not be afraid to dive deeper, coordinate with other cross-functional stakeholders, and take a balanced decision integrating every stakeholder’s views. In the long term, cultivating an open and progressive culture that encourages debates and tough discussions reaps enormous benefits whereby no business-critical concern is left unvoiced. A transparent and meritocratic culture promotes greater cooperation and understanding among different teams striving towards the same goals. Conclusion We discussed why scientists often struggle with effective communication with other scientists and non-scientist stakeholders when working in industry or building their own company. We addressed how scientists should approach communication with non-scientist colleagues and how to collaborate with them. We also discussed effective communication strategies from the perspective of non-scientists speaking to scientists. In the long run, having strong communication and soft skills confers greater career durability than simply having scientific and technical skills. Understanding this and upskilling accordingly can empower scientists to transition and perform well in industry. Related Blogs Published by Introduction
Supervised machine learning models are trained using data and their associated labels. For example, to discriminate between a cat and a dog present in an image, the model is fed images of cats or dogs and a corresponding label of “cat” or “dog” for each image. Assigning a category to each data sample is referred to as data labeling. Data labeling is essential to imparting machines with knowledge of the world that is relevant for the particular machine learning use case. Without labels, models do not have any explicit understanding of the information in a given data set. A popular example that demonstrates the value of data labeling is the ImageNet data set. More than a million images were labeled with hundreds of object categories to create this pioneering data set that heralded the deep-learning era. In this article, you’ll learn more about data labeling and its use cases, processes, and best practices. Why is data labeling important? Labeled data is necessary to build discriminative machine learning models that classify a data sample into one or more categories. Once a machine learning model is trained using data and corresponding labels, it can predict the label of a new unseen data sample. Data labeling is a crucial process as it directly impacts the accuracy of the model. If a significant proportion of the training data set is mislabeled, it will cause the model to make inaccurate predictions. Data labeling of production data is also important to counter data drift. The model can be continuously improved by incorporating the newly labeled samples from the real-world data distribution into the training data set. Poorly labeled data can also introduce bias in the data set, which can cause the models to consistently make inaccurate predictions on a subset of real-world data. Mislabelingcan severely impact the fairness and accuracy of models and warrants additional efforts to detect and eliminate labeling errors. Relabeling helps to address mislabeled samples, improving the data quality and, consequently, the accuracy of the machine learning models. How is data labeling performed? Again, data labeling helps train supervised machine learning models that learn from data and their corresponding labels. For example, the following text, sourced from the Large Movie Review Dataset, can be annotated in a number of ways depending on the use case: I saw this movie in NEW York city. I was waiting for a bus the next morning, so it was 2 or 3 in the morning. It was raining, and did not want to wait at the PORT AUTHORTY. So I went across the street and saw the worst film of my life. It was so bad, that I chose to stay and see the whole movie,I have yet to see anything else that bad since. The year was 69,so call me crazy. I stayed only because I could not belive it.........1. Use case: Sentiment analysis
For the named entity recognition use case, data annotators have to review the entire text and identify and label any mention of places. Typically, data annotation is outsourced to vendors who contract subject matter experts relevant for the specific machine learning use case. The team of annotators are assigned different batches of data to label on a daily basis for the duration of the project, using simple tools like Excel or more sophisticated labeling platforms like Label Studio. Labelers’ performance is evaluated in terms of metrics like overall accuracy and throughput—i.e., the number of samples labeled in a day. If the same set of data samples are assigned to multiple annotators, then the labels given by each annotator can be combined through a majority vote. Inter-annotator agreementhelps to reduce bias and mislabeling errors. For several use cases, data labeling can be extremely painstaking and time-consuming, which may lead to labeling fatigue. To counter this, labels assigned to each annotator undergo one or more rounds of review to catch any systematic errors. Once a batch of data is labeled, reviewed, and validated, it is shared with the data science team, who review select samples for labeling accuracy and verification and then provide feedback to the annotators. This iterative and collaborative process ensures that the final labels are of high quality and accuracy to use for training machine learning models. How is data relabeling performed? The repetitive and manual nature of data labeling is often fraught with errors. This necessitates the need to identify and relabel samples that were erroneously labeled the first time around. Relabeling is an expensive but necessary process as it is imperative to have a training data set of high quality. Unlike labeling, relabeling is usually done on a smaller sample of the entire data set and can be completed much faster if the samples are mislabeled in a unique way or associated with the same annotator. Once a trained model is deployed, its predictions on real-world data can be evaluated. A detailed error-analysis process can sometimes reveal systematic prediction errors. Many times, these characteristic errors may be correlated with a certain type of data sample or feature. In such cases, having another look at similar samples in the training data can help identify mislabeled samples. More often than not, labeling errors on a certain segment of the training data can be captured through such error analysis and corrected with relabeling. Best practices for data labeling Data labeling can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming for large data sets. As model development is contingent on the availability of good-quality labeled data, poor labeling can affect the timelines and prolong the time to build and deploy machine learning models. A good practice for data scientists is to curate a comprehensive data-annotation framework for each use case before starting the data-labeling process. Clear, structured guidelines with examples and edge cases provide much-needed clarity for annotators to do their job with greater speed and accuracy. In the absence of domain experts within the company, external experts can be sought to discuss and conceptualize guidelines and best practices for labeling specific types of data. As labeling of large data sets by domain experts can be quite expensive, in specific cases, data labeling can be crowdsourced to thousands of users on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. Typically, labeling by crowdsourced users is fast but often noisy and less accurate. Still, crowdsourcing can be a significantly quicker method of collecting the first set of labels before doing one or more rounds of relabeling to eliminate errors. Error analysis is another recommended practice to diagnose model prediction errors and iteratively improve model performance. Error analysis can be done manually by the data scientists or with greater speed and reproducibility using machine learning debugging platforms like Openlayer. Another good practice, in the context of very large data sets for deep learning applications, is to leverage machine learning to obtain a first pass of labels using techniques like the following: Conclusion Machine learning and deep-learning models are typically trained on large data sets. To train such models, a label for each data sample is necessary to teach the model about the information in the data set. Labeling, therefore, is an integral aspect of the machine learning lifecycle and directly influences the quality and performance of models in production. In this article, you’ve seen the importance, process, and best practices for efficient data labeling and relabeling. Mislabeled data samples introduce noise and bias in the data set that adversely impact the performance of the model. Identifying mislabeled examples through error analysis is a proven technique to improve the quality of training data that can be accelerated using machine learning debugging and testing platforms like Openlayer. Related Blogs |
January 2025
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